For College Students

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Individual Coaching

Great Start College Coaching

It is the very nature of college – an abundance of activities combined with little daily structure and accountability – that presents a huge challenge to students who are not naturally strong in planning, prioritizing, organizing, and following through. Taking classes online can present additional issues, especially for those impacted by ADHD/Executive Function challenges. The freedom to make one’s own choices in college is often exhilarating for students, but also provides opportunities to make decisions that can undermine success. College coaching helps students set goals, manage time, begin tasks and work toward completion, organize and prioritize, maintain life balance, and strengthen self-advocacy skills. Let us know how you how we can help you take full advantage of your college experience and excel right out of the gate.

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Back On Track College Coaching

If you’ve already started college but haven’t done as well as you’d like, let us help you get back on track. Working with a coach can help you address your overwhelm and develop effective personalized strategies to stay organized and on top of things. Online classes present additional challenges that require new strategies and tools to do well. Your coach can also help you develop more effective study habits and greater life balance so you feel less stressed and get to enjoy more of the great things college has to offer. If you’re currently not in school but would like to return, your coach can help you succeed with that goal, too. So give us a call. We’ll help you get back on track.

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Thesis and Dissertation Coaching

Completing your thesis or dissertation is hard work, and even harder when you’re doing it alone. Very few endeavors in life require as much independent work with as little structure, accountability, and encouragement as independent research. To stay motivated and on track while simultaneously avoiding overwhelm and discouragement, coaching can make all the difference. Finishing your advanced degree is an extraordinary accomplishment; it is also an important foundation to your subsequent career. Let us help you get there.

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Maintenance Coaching for Past Clients

For clients who have completed their weekly coaching, we offer a package of three sessions, one per month, with your personal coach. This continued access to your coach with regular “refresher” coaching sessions will help you keep your edge and ensure your continued progress.